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Soccer Boys


Q & A

Players must be properly equipped to practice.  At a minimum they will need to have cleats, shin guards, long socks to cover guards, and should wear/bring a light colored T-shirt.  Dress appropriately for the weather. Toboggans, gloves, sweat pants are all acceptable.

The Concussion Statement release--signed by both player and parent/guardian.

The Physical Evaluation form completed, and the Consent for Athletic Participation & Medical Care sign-off.

The SCA (Sudden Cardiac Arrest) info form and Acknowledgement form signed by BOTH player and parent/guardian.

The Medical Release/Waiver for treatment by Encore Rehabilitation Inc. athletic trainers.  This can be signed by the parent/guardian.


All these forms can be found on the "Athletics Department" page, or can be picked up at the school office.


Reece Ashurst 

FHS Boys Soccer Coaches

Al Palacio

FHS Boys Assistant Soccer Coach